Upcoming Panel Discussions and Presentations - San Francisco | Marin, CA

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Pending and Past Legislation and Their
Effects The Tribal Art World

The panelists for all talks are Mark Blackburn, Kate Fitz Gibbon and Bob Gallegos. 
Kim Martindale will be moderating. 

Friday, February 10th at 9:30am
Open to ATADA Members and other dealers.
•This is for professionals in the trade only. 

Friday, February 10th at 1pm
A general forum open to the public. 

San Francisco Tribal & Textile Art Show - 2017
Fort Mason Center, Festival Pavilion
2 Marina Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94123


Saturday, February 18th at 8:30am
Open to ATADA Members and other dealers.
•This is for professionals in the trade only. 

Saturday, February 18th at 1pm
A general forum open to the public. 

The American Indian Art Show - Marin 2017
Marin Civic Center
10 Avenue of the Flags
San Rafael, CA 94903


Tribal & Textile Art Show

Dealer Program:
Legislation designed to end the art trade and aggressive actions by law enforcement made 2016 one of the most dangerous years ever for the ethnographic and Native American art trade. Dealers need to know about new legislation and government policies that directly threaten collecting, museums, and the trade. Panelists will discuss the multiple seizures at NY’s Asia Week, the TAAR Act’s effect on title to foreign cultural property and the STOP Act’s limitation of due process and property rights.

Art dealers must work together to foster the lawful trade, collection and exhibition of cultural artifacts. This also requires working constructively with US tribes, setting reasonable parameters for documentation of foreign art, and making make sure that the US only honors foreign laws which are consistently enforced at home.

Failure to act could mean:

  • Liability for possessing art and antiquities based on foreign laws.
  • U.S. government review of art held by individuals and museums to determine adequacy of title and documentation.
  • Selective confiscation.
  • Loss of international art fairs, tourism, and cultural prestige.
  • Disappearance of thousands of small businesses.
  • Loss of value for collections built up over years.

Public Program:
It’s been a tough year in the art world – from seizures at NY’s Asia Week to attempts to pass draconian anti trade legislation in Congress. Museums, collectors, and the trade are being hurt by fake-news attacks claiming that collecting is immoral – even that it supports terrorism. Some hardliners seek blanket returns of art to source countries or liability for possessing art and antiquities based on foreign laws.

How can the arts community work together to defend itself and to help to set the standard for ethical collecting? Panelists will discuss changes to government policies and aggressive legal prosecutions. They will explore defensive and progressive actions to save value for collections, ensure a viable art economy, and protect access to art for future generations.

American Indian Art Show

Dealer Program:
A special session for art dealers will answer questions on existing laws and explore new strategies for halting damaging legislation and building bridges with the tribes. The 2016 Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony Act (STOP Act), was a response to the auctioning of ceremonial objects in Paris, France. STOP would have covered all categories of Native American art and artifacts, created dangerous uncertainties for private owners of a wide range of Indian art, generated consumer confusion damaging legitimate art dealers and tribal artisans, and created a bureaucratic nightmare for the tribes.

A repatriation movement is sweeping through Native American communities and the Indian art market may be a casualty in its path. A panel of legal and dealer experts will discuss how the trade must work together to build a positive public message, encourage good faith measure that benefit both tribal and dealer interests, and prepare to defend the basic right to trade in Indian artifacts.

Public Program:
Art dealers, collectors, and public and private museums will hear the latest on legislation directly affecting their interests at a panel discussion with legal and trade experts. The 2016 Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony Act (STOP Act) was a response to Hopi, Acoma, and Navajo anger sacred and ceremonial items had been sold at auction in Paris, France.  STOP was a well-intentioned bill that would have created dangerous uncertainties for private owners of Indian art, and resulted in consumer confusion and a bureaucratic nightmare for the tribes. It was a serious departure from Congress’ intent to preserve scientific and academic access for the public benefit through private collections of Native American cultural objects.

A new 2017 STOP is currently being redrafted that creates the same risks. The panel will discuss the work to ensure that new legislation doesn’t taint entire the Indian art market, harm local economies, and reduce income to tribal artisans. They will explain how tribal art dealers can work together with tribes on voluntary donations of sacred and ceremonial objects, establish positive relationships and explore new paths for communication between tribes and the arts community.